Yoga for mom and toddler. When to start postpartum yoga?

mom and toddler doing yoga together

Yoga for postpartum is a form of exercise specifically designed to help new mothers restore balance and rebuild strength in the body after childbirth. Postpartum yoga classes focus on safe, gentle movements that renew your muscles tone and relieve unnecessary tension. Baby and mama yoga also provides an opportunity for new mothers to connect with other like-minded women who are going through the same physical and emotional changes. 

Breathwork, meditation, and relaxation are often incorporated into postnatal yoga to help reduce stress and promote healing. And it's hard to imagine a new mommy doing something without her baby. Thus, yoga with a toddler can be a great way to bond with your little precious. While a baby is too young to hold their head you may start some basic poses under the babywearing yoga instructor supervision. And you may go to parent and baby yoga when your baby kid is strong enough to interact with you during exercises.

Mama and baby yoga benefits

yoga advantages for mama and infant

Doing mom and toddler yoga is different from the types of yoga you have probably practiced on your behalf or heard about. It has a bunch of advantages for both, mama and infant. 

Benefits for mama Benefits for baby
Develops strength, flexibility, and joint mobility that are necessary for interaction with the baby; Helps to improve your toddler’s muscles, coordination, and motor skills; 
Aids in postpartum recovery and helps to restore the pelvic floor muscles, improves blood circulation; Stimulates baby's sensory development and balance, help them become more aware of their bodies;
Promotes relaxation by practicing breathing exercises and meditations; Teaches them how to relax and self-soothe through fun poses, music and breathing exercises;
Strengthens the bond between mama and baby through playful poses that encourage physical connection.  Offers an enjoyable way of exercising.

Mommy and toddler yoga is an excellent way for mothers and their toddlers to stay active, bond with each other, and promote physical and emotional health. It can help new moms reconnect with their bodies after childbirth, develop core strength and flexibility, stimulate a baby’s development and improve sleep, as well as strengthen the bond between mama and baby. With all these benefits in mind, toddler and mommy yoga is a great way to start exercising again after childbirth. 

Toddler and me yoga safety rules

safety rules for yoga with toddler

Most baby and me yoga classes are open and informal. Yoga with baby sessions usually last between 30-60 minutes and often begin with breathing or meditation. Your yoga instructor will show a few postpartum yoga poses for beginners while you hold your baby. It is crucial to perform a gentle postpartum yoga routine that is safe for your postnatal body. 
The yoga teacher should also warn you about postpartum yoga poses to avoid, at least for the first few months even if you have done them before. Keep in mind that mom and baby yoga should be designed with both your and the baby's safety in consideration.

To make sure you follow the safety rules, remember these tips:

  1. Before you begin yoga for mom and toddler, make sure that your child’s pediatrician and your doctor have given their approval.
  2. See what skills your baby has. Does it have the ability to lift a head and support it by itself? Hold off if your baby cannot, because some yoga poses for postpartum require toddlers also being involved.
  3. Protect your abdomen. You should avoid any poses that engage core muscles when doing postpartum yoga even after normal delivery. There are precise exercises and poses of yoga for postpartum belly which are put into practice gradually during the first 3 months of classes. They are designed to better recover from diastasis recti.
  4. Be careful with postpartum yoga stretches. Stretching is important, but not too much. Because hormones continue to loosen your ligaments even if you have given birth.
  5. There's no need to worry about the baby's feeding or diapering - just make sure you have everything you and your little one need to feel comfortable. Check out studios or private postpartum yoga instructors in your area that offer classes or postpartum yoga online sessions.

When can I do yoga postpartum?

when can i start postpartum yoga

It is generally recommended that new mothers wait at least 6-8 weeks after childbirth before starting a yoga postpartum practice. However, if a woman has had a complicated birth or surgery, she may need more recovery time before starting babywearing yoga exercises. Even 8 weeks after childbirth, your abdominal muscles may be separated. In case of diastasis, core load or deep belly breathing may complicate the recovery process. 

Don’t be in a hurry to get back in shape as fast as you can. Postpartum yoga is not designed for weight loss. If you start doing vigorous yoga, or any other type of exercise, too soon after your baby is born, it is likely to make you worse than better.

Let's sum it up... When should you start or return back to yoga after having a baby? It clearly says the true spirit and purpose of yoga - listening and caring for your mind, body, spirituality and emotions. If you want to do it in the right way, then start parent and toddler yoga whenever you feel ready. Just be sure to start slowly and build your strength gradually.

What should I wear for baby and mom yoga?
What do I need for postpartum yoga?
Is postpartum yoga safe?
What should I expect from yoga classes for moms and toddlers?
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