Fee4Bee - your personal internet marketing tool for free! Our platform was created to help people with different tasks and services that they need to be done in everyday life. The main goal of our company is to make the complicated procedure of hiring the performer fast, easy, and safe and we’ve made a lot to achieve it. We do not take any subscription fee or registration fee at all.
Fee4Bee hiring platform offers you:

If you’re a performer:
- 2 minutes free registration - if you have any troubles with it - we can register you by ourselves.
- Absolutely free leads - we do not charge for registration or for opening contact information
- Internet marketing - all the advertisement and lead-generation is our responsibility
- Transparent commission - you pay only 13% + 0,30 CAD$ commission (10% goes to us, 3% + 0,30 CAD$ payment system commission) and only in case that the deal was finished successfully.
- Safety of money - all the customers who have responded to your offer are already charged for the amount that you confirmed, the money will be kept in a transit account until the end of your cooperation and will be transferred to you automatically if both sides are satisfied with its result.
- Full deal support - from the very beginning and till the work is done we assist you in any troubles you can run into.

If you’re a customer:
- Completely free - we do not charge customers for any fees at all, you can put your task on the platform or hire a performer and you will pay only for the service you’re ordering without any additional commission.
- 2 clicks registration - choose Google or Facebook and sign up using its accounts.
- Efficiency mark - real reviews and ratings are made to help you to choose the best one from the similar offers
- Safety of money - you are charged for the full amount accepted in the deal immediately after start confirmation. But all the money will be kept in a transit account until the end of your cooperation and will be transferred to your performer automatically if both sides are satisfied with its result. But if you are not satisfied with the result of the work you can complain and we will help you to solve any trouble in a fair way until the dispute is done your money is kept on the transit account and can be charged back.
- Full deal support - from the very beginning and till the work is done we assist you in any troubles you can run int