Pedicure Tips - How to Do a Pedicure at Home

home pedicure tips
When it comes to nail care, a pedicure is a great way to treat yourself without spending a fortune. One of the great benefits of doing your toenails at home is that it saves you precious time! You do not have to carve out time in your busy schedule and make an appointment with a cosmetologist. A do-it-yourself pedicure takes less time and can be a pleasant evening therapy that lasts 30-40 minutes.

Creating a perfect pedicure is not just about polishing your nails. It is a procedure consisting of a few important steps. Having completed even the simplest pedicure, you will add elegance to your feet.

What tools do you need for home pedicuring?

If you want to achieve a professional-looking pedicure at home, you should make sure you buy the right products. Here are some tools you will need for giving yourself a pedicure: 

  • Footbath or bowl of water to soak your feet;
  • A paper towel to dry them; 
  • An orange stick to clean cuticles;
  • Nail clipper and nipper. Invest in a good pair of toenail clippers and nippers and keep them clean and disinfected;
  • Nail file. Do not use a rough file, as this leads to peeling nails;
  • Toe separator to prevent your nails from getting messy; 
  • Nail base, polish and top cover to paint them.

Steps on how to perform an at-home pedicure

pedicure at home steps

The first thing to remember is that a perfect pedicure is not possible without proper foot care. After removing old polish soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. A few drops of essential oil or Epsom salt can be added to warm water to soften dry skin. It can also be beneficial to add some rose petals for a luxurious spa-like experience. After the bath, dry your feet using a towel and rub the sole and heel with a foot filler to remove dead skin. 

The warm water will help soften the cuticles so that you can easily push them back with an orange stick. If necessary, you can cut off the excess dead skin, but nail care technicians do not recommend touching the cuticle so as not to damage the nail bed. Otherwise, you can use cuticle remover to apply to the cuticles, heels and soles to smoothen skin and reduce calluses.

When toenails are too long, they can break. Therefore, an important step in pedicure is nail trimming. Aim to cut them straight across, not rounding corners 1-2 mm from the nail edge. Be careful not to cut too close to the skin as this may cause them to splinter. If you notice that your toenails are too thick, use nippers. You may want to consult the nail care technician or even a therapist regarding this.

A nail file comes in a variety of shapes and abrasion levels. For small toenails, it would be difficult to operate a large jumbo nail file. You should avoid aggressive filing. A wrong technique could result in an ingrown toenail, pain, or infestation. The right way to file a toenail will vary depending on the desired shape of the toes.

Start painting toenails by applying a base coat. After drying your base coat, apply a layer of nail polish. To seal the polish, use a topcoat. The topcoat seals the nail polish and makes it look super long-lasting. Let each layer dry before applying the next one. 

After finishing, you should use a moisturizer and lotion to make your feet softer. Make it a habit to moisturize your feet regularly. Foot creams help rejuvenate your feet and boost circulation. 

How to cut toenails properly?

how to cut toenails

Having long toenails can make you uncomfortable while wearing socks, increase your risk break the nail, and looks messy. You should make sure that you don't use the same nail clipper with your toenails and your fingernails. This prevents the transmission of bacteria.

When you cut your own toenails, you should make sure to follow the correct technique. You should always cut your nails straight across rather than rounding the corners, as this encourages ingrown toenails. Then you can file the corners however you like. Make sure you use different files for finger- and toenails.

Likewise, you should avoid clipping your toenails too short. If the cuticle protects the nail from infection from above, then from below it is a role of hyponychium. Damaging to this part exposes your fingers to various infections. On the other hand, toenails grow slowly compared to fingernails, so you should trim them every six to eight weeks.

How do you get the perfect toenail shape?

Unlike the fingernail shapes, however, toenail shape options are not nearly as extensive. If you're looking for a stylish way to spruce up your nails, here are some tips on how to get the perfect toenail shape. 

  1. Oval nails are one of the most flattering shapes for both men and women, and they look especially good on open shoes. The oval shape makes the toes appear longer and involves filing the sides and rounding off the top. 
  2. A square shape is also possible if you have a wide nail plate. This shape prevents ingrown toenails.
  3. And a rounded toenail shape means softening the edges. It is perfect for anyone with any finger shape.

When filing your toenails, make sure to file in a single direction to avoid damaging the nail plate or fraying the nail. Once you've got the desired shape, you may buff and polish them. 

How to apply toenail polish?

how to apply toenail polish

Painting your toenails may sound like a lot of fun but many people suffer from it. Pedicures can be relaxing when performed by a nail beautician but painting toenails by yourself can be challenging. Plus-size women often struggle with painting their nails. 

Regardless of your nail type, you can paint your toenails at home to make them look more appealing. Sit comfortably, and find handholds and footrests. Make sure there is enough lighting for you to operate with the nail tools. You can try a toe separator to gain a better perspective.

Before applying the colour, you need to apply a base coat to protect your nails. Do not neglect this stage as it protects your toenails from harsh polish components.

Apply the paint in thin layers, letting each layer dry between applications. When you're done, apply a topcoat for lasting colour. If your toenails do end up getting dirty during the process, you can use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to clean excesses.

Another tip to remember when painting your toenails is to take them off every so often. While the polish may look great for a week or two, your nails need to breathe and rest. By removing the polish from your toenails, you'll expose the surface of the nail to oxygen and promote healthy nail growth.

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